Spin-off from DBIS wins IT Innovation Award 2011

Ulm University

Congratulations! The AristaFlow GmbH, which is a spinn-off from our DBIS Institute,  has won the IT Innovation Award 2011 in the category “Business Process Management”. The award ceremony took place at March 3rd, 2011 in the context of CeBIT’11.
Both the high degree of innnovation and the practical benefits offered by the AristaFlow BPM Platform convinced the jury which consisted of more than 100 professors and managing editors. Among the 2000 competitors applying for the award the AristaFlow BPM Platform was chosen as winner in the category “Business Process Mangement”.
AristaFlow GmbH is a spin-off  from our Institute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS). In 2008, together with graduates and industrial partners, Prof. Peter Dadam and Prof. Manfred  Reichert founded the AristaFlow GmbH.  Managing director and partner of AristaFlow is Martin Jurisch who is a former PhD student of Prof. Dadam.
The AristaFlow BPM Platform enables the flexible support and control of enterprise-wide as well as cross-organizational business processes. The AristaFlow BPM platform is based on cutting-edge research in the field of business process management that was originally conducted in our research institute.
Winning this prestigious award demonstrates that innovative research results and technologies developed at the university level can find their way into practical application.