Researchers from Spain visit DBIS

Ulm University

In July 2012, visitors from the PROS Research Center of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Clara Ayora and Victoria Torres) and the QUIVIT Research Group of the University of Seville (Irene Barba Rodriguez) have had a research stay at the DBIS institute. We have had a very productive time during which we worked, together with Barbara Weber from the BPM Research Cluster of the University of Innsbruck, intensively on topics related to the management of business process variants and the support of temporal constraints in workflow systems. In turn, this created many new ideas for a future fruitful collaboration in these areas. DBIS is already looking forward to future visits of its Spanish friends.

Top: Stefan Zugal, Barbara Weber (both University of Innsbruck) and Manfred Reichert
Bottom: Irene Barba Rodriguez (University of Seville), Clara Ayora und Victoria Torres (both Universidad Politecnica de Valencia)