What is the daily business of computer scientists and what is their area of activity? Which industries actually need graduates of this occupation and what are the qualifications a student need to show for an employment? How do the studies of computer science at Ulm University look like? In the scope of a one-week BOGY internship, three pupils – Katrin, Sven and Ludwig - went further into those and a lot of other interesting questions. During their internship, they had been supervised by Johannes Schobel and
Julian Tiedeken in particular, and by the entire DBIS team.
Overall, Katrin, Sven and Ludwig could gain exciting insights into projects students currently working on, or through interviews with research associates. The information gathered was then used to create an own website, dedicated for the BOGY and used as a documentation for the teachers. Further, the pupils could gain first insights into current topics like Human-Computer Interactions, or the development of mobile apps. In this context, the pupils learned the structured process of developing an application – starting with requirements, mock-ups up to the actual implementation. As a prototype application a reaction game was implemented.
Background: The internship of Katrin, Sven and Ludwig is part of the career guidance (called BOGY) taking place at German high schools. BOGY is supposed to help pupils in getting insights into different occupations, studies, apprenticeships as well as their conditions of admission. Thereby, pupils can become more clear about their wishes, skills, talents, and goals regarding their professional careers.