Manfred Reichert is co-editor of the Proceedings of the
5th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA’13), which took place in St. Gallen, Switzerland, in September 2013.
Manfred Reichert was PC Co-Chair of the EMISA’13 workshop - together with Prof. Dr. Reinhard Jung from the University of St. Gallen. EMISA’13 addressed different aspects relevant for enterprise modelling as well as for designing enterprise architectures in general and information systems architectures in particular. The workshop was jointly organized by the GI Special Interest Group on Modelling Business Information Systems (GI-SIG MoBIS) and the GI Special Interest Group on Design Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA) as well as by the Swiss Informatics Society (SI).
Reinhard Jung and Manfred Reichert (Editors): Enterprise Modeling and Information System Architectures (EMISA'13), September 5 -6, 2013; St. Gallen, Switzerland; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Vol. 222, September 2013