New BMWi project developing a flexible real estate process platform

Ulm University

As of January 2015, the Opens internal link in current windowcasavi project started at the Opens internal link in current windowInstitute of Databases and Information Systems. The project strives for the development of a flexible real estate process and service platform, and is funded by the Opens external link in new windowEXIST program of the Opens external link in new windowFederal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) – EXIST aims at improving the entrepreneurial environment at research organizations and at increasing the number of technology and knowledge based business start-ups. The EXIST scholarship holders Opens internal link in current windowDavid Langer, Opens internal link in current windowPeter Schindlmeier, and Opens internal link in current windowOliver Stamm are mentored by Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred Reichert and are additionally supported by Opens internal link in current windowNicolas Mundbrod.

About the casavi project

Based on a research study by GdW (Federal Association of German Housing Companies), Germany's housing industry will not only need to adjust to demographic, but also to technological trends in future. For instance, smartphones have become everyone's pervasive communication channel today and even a majority of 72% of the 60-year-olds do have Internet access these days. Such technological advancements, in turn, can be leveraged to simplify reconciliation between property managers, owners, tenants, and other interest groups of the residential environment. Thereby, a digital platform providing integrated processes, services, and communication channels will lead to an increased efficiency, less costs, and stronger customer focus.

The casavi project strives for developing and finally providing such a digital platform for multi-family properties. Comparable platforms are well known in other areas of living like online banking or travelling. Therefore, the platform will allow for the easy sharing of information with all residents to, for example, increase the awareness of important events. Furthermore, service offerings of the property management will be complemented by online services integrating all concerned parties and enabling more efficient and transparent processes. To employ such flexible processes, casavi will utilize the process expertise and technologies available at the Institute of Databases and Information Systems. Rounding out the platform, casavi will combine the functional requirements of a client portal with aspects of social networking and thus hopefully become the digital companion for communication in the residential environment.