Multi-Million EU Research Grant for Interdisciplinary Research on Tinnitus

Ulm University

The European Union is funding an Innovative Training Network (ITN) – the „European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research“ (ESIT) – with 3.8 Million Euro in its Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 722064.

ESIT provides an opportunity for 15 Ph.D. students to work on leading-edge research projects, which will radically improve the situation of 42 million European tinnitus patients. They will develop new treatment solutions for tinnitus, fundamentally improve existing treatment paradigms, implement innovative research methods, perform the first genetic studies on tinnitus and establish the largest pan-European tinnitus dataset, which will allow the implementation of innovative solutions for personalized tinnitus treatment.

From Ulm University, Dr. Rüdiger Pryss, Prof. Manfred Reichert (both Institute of Databases and Information Systems) and Prof. Franz Hauck (Institute of Distributed Systems) as well as two Ph.D. students supervised by them are participating in the ESIT program. In total, Ulm University will receive a research grant of 500.000 EUR.

The ESIT program, which is coordinated by the University of Regensburg, will run over four years until 2021. Besides the Universities of Regensburg and Ulm, 10 other universities from 10 different EU countries as well as 34 other academic and non-academic partners participate in the ESIT program. The close collaboration among academic, clinical and industrial partners as well as the involvement of patient organizations and public health authorities makes the ESIT program very special, as the participation of Ulm University with its expertise on mobile data collection, mobile process management and flexible middleware for mobile sensing and data collection does.

Further details can be found on the project web site:

Some of the ESIT Partners at the project kick-off in Herrsching: M. Reichert (Ulm University), W. Schlee (University of Regensburg, Coordinator), Myra Spiliopoulou (University of Magdeburg), R. Pryss (Ulm University) and B. Languth (University of Regensburg)
Participants from Ulm University will contribute a flexible middleware for mobile crowdsensing and mobile data collection.