The Institute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) supported Ulm University in the analysis, modeling and optimization of the business processes to be automated by its new campus management systems (CMS). A CMS must support all business process related to student affairs. Therefore, its introduction constitutes one of the most complex IT projects within a university.
The project managers on part of Ulm University - Marcus Link and Dr. Klaus Murmann - were supported by the DBIS institute in the analysis and modeling of dozens of relevant business processes. On part of DBIS, Prof. Manfred Reichert and
Andreas Lanz as well as the Master students Daniel Gaßner, Dominik Kimmel and Julia Schwarz participated in the project. The project team analyzed, modeled and described all business processes of Ulm University relevant for managing the student life cycle (see Figure).
Amongst others, this includes processes related to applicant management, student admission, fee management, program management, course planning, and exam management. Following this, the captured as-is processes were analyzed and optimized in order to obtain the to-be processes to be implemented by the CMS. Overall, this resulted in a comprehensive process handbook.