The ZAFH IntraLogistics, in which the Institute of Databases and Information Systems has been involved for two years, organized a 1-day industrial forum at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Ulm on 25 April 2019. In this context, a lively exchange between the research institutions involved in the ZAFH IntraLogistics and the industrial representatives took place. The focus of the discussion was on collaborative systems for enabling flexible intra logistics processes. In addition to the keynote by ZAFH coordinator Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Echelmeyer (University of Applied Science Reutlingen), the industry representatives reported on the requirements as well as the solutions of flexible intra logistics systems. The forum was round off with a poster session, a joint visit of the service robotics lab, and a lively discussion among the participants.
TheZAFH Intra Logisticsis financially supported with 1.45 million Euros by the federal state of Baden-Württemberg and the Structural Fund of the European Union (EFRE) over a period of 3 years. Partners in this joint project are the University of Applied Sciences Reutlingen, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Ulm, and Ulm University. The latter participates with its Institute for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS). From the DBIS team, Kevin Andrews, Sebastian Steinau, Marius Breitmayer und <link in iui-dbis mitarbeiter manfred-reichert internal link current>Prof. Manfred Reichert are developing next generation software tools for the flexible IT support of intra logistics processes, involving both humans and robots that collaborate with each other.