Together with Hamid R. Motahari Nezhad (IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA) Manfred Reichert is guest editor of a special issue on enterprise computing of the Information Systems Journal.
The special issue, which appeared in December 2015, deals with advances in technology landscape in cloud, big data and social computing, which have tremendously changed the business environment for companies and enterprises. More than ever, today’s service-oriented delivery model has resulted in shortening the innovation cycle as well as in enabling smaller innovative players to appear in enterprise space. This has put additional pressure on the enterprises to act in an agile and responsive manner to customers’ needs by embracing the latest advances in technology in order to stay competitive and relevant in a rapidly transforming competitive landscape.
The special issue co-edited by Hamid Motahari Nezhad and Manfred Reichert gathers extended versions of selected papers presented at the IEEE EDOC 2013 conference held in Vancouver, Canada, from September 9th to 13th, 2013 – EDOC 2013 was the seventeenth conference in a series that provides the key international forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of enterprise computing. Hamid and Manfred were PC co-chairs of the EDOC 2013 conference.