Grant for a Doctoral Research Program on Cognitive Computing

Ulm University

The Opens external link in new windowFederal State of Baden-Württemberg supports a joint doctoral research program of Opens internal link in current windowUlm University and Opens external link in new windowUlm University of Applied Sciences. The program entitled "Cognitive Computing in Socio-Technical Systems" provides funds for 12 PhD students over an initial period of 3 years. The program’s overall goal is to develop innovative concepts for cognitive machines. Such self-learning technical systems will enable the realization of intelligent service robots and companion systems, which provide adaptive services to humans and ease the use of complex technology for them.

Joint speakers of the doctoral research program are Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred Reichert, Director of the Opens internal link in current windowInstitute of Databases and Information Systems at Ulm University, and Opens external link in new windowProf. Dr. Christian Schlegel, an expert for real-time systems and autonomous robots in the Opens external link in new windowFaculty of Computer Science at Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

The doctoral research program will link fundamental research with application orientation

The interdisciplinary educational profile for the junior researchers will connect research questions and approaches from Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology. In particular, the doctoral research program will benefit from the core fields of expertise of both universities and integrate basic technology research with application-oriented method development. Ulm University, for example, will contribute with its expertise in the Opens external link in new windowSpecial Research Area "A Companion Technology for Cognitive Technical Systems" and its expertise the field of "Adaptive Process Management". Ulm University of Applied Science, in turn, will provide its renowned expertise in service robotics as well as the development of intelligent production and conveyor systems.