Congratulations to Ghada Elkhawaga for the successful defense of her PhD thesis

Ulm University

On July 17, 2024 Ghada Elkhawaga successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled

Evaluating XAI methods in the Context of Predictive Process Monitoring

at Ulm University, Germany. The DBIS team is pleased to congratulate Ghada on her successful PhD defense (Dr. rer. nat.) and wishes her all the best for her future career.

Ghada was a doctoral student at the Institute of Databases and Information Systems in the cooperative doctoral program ‘Cognitive Computing in Socio-Technical Systems’ and was supervised by Prof. Manfred Reichert. In her dissertation, she focused on the evaluation of methods of explainability in the context of predictive process monitoring.

Members of the PhD committee

  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Tichy (Ulm University, Chairman)
  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert (Ulm University, Supervisor & Referee)
  • Prof. Dr. Mervat Abu-Elkheir (German University of Cairo, External Referee)
  • Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Pryss (University of Wuerzburg, External Referee)
  • Prof. Dr. Mathias Klier (Ulm University, Committee Member)
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Kestler (Ulm University, Committee Member)
Ghada with her hat
Luisa presents the hat to Ghada
Ghada with her committee