Due to the planned retirement of Prof. Dr. Peter Dadam in September this year, there will be a change in the administration of the
Institute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) as well. As announced in the DBIS end-of-year review 2013,
Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert will succeed as the institute’s director and thereby ensure the important business continuity. Consequently, the
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science,
Ulm University is now advertising the second tenured DBIS professorship primarily focussing on databases since Peter Dadam, unfortunately, will not be able to provide his distinguished expertise and long experience in this area to our institute anymore. In particular, the focus is put on the research field of big data since the interplay of a massive volume of data (plus its velocity and variety) and complex business processes will be a core challenge for future research and business.
In the following the official offer is presented:
The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences at the
University of Ulm invites applications for a tenured
Full Professor Position (W3) on Databases and Information Systems
in the Institute of Databases and Information Systems.
The scientific focus of the position should be in the area of integration, storage, processing and (real-time) analysis of large datasets (“big data”). Related challenges on, for example, data security, privacy, or process-management are of interest as well.
The successful candidate will propose a research program that strengthens and complements the current interdisciplinary research activities in the faculty and university as a whole, with special emphasis given to software-intensive, adaptive systems, automotive systems and data processing in mobility scenarios. We also appreciate the ability to establish links with other faculties of the university or companies in the wider area of Ulm. Beyond, we expect a track record in the acquisition of research funding and in the implementation of strong research collaborations.
We seek an individual with a passion for teaching who is qualified to offer instruction both at the B.Sc. and M.Sc. level in our computer science, media informatics, and software-engineering programs, as well as in other programs related to computer science. Basic-level instruction is offered in German while advanced courses are often taught in English. We expect strong teaching skills documented, for example, by excellent teaching evaluations.
The position will hold the deputy director role of the institute. Active participation in the faculty’s self administration is required.
Conditions for appointment are a completed course of studies at a university, pedagogical aptitude, doctorate degree, as well as additional academic achievements (§ 47 LHG).
The University of Ulm is committed to increase the share of women in research and teaching positions and therefore explicitly encourages female candidates to apply.
Physically disabled applicants receive favorable consideration when equally qualified.
Interested candidates should submit an electronic application via email (one PDF file) containing the usual documentation (scientific and professional CV, including a list of five most important publications, list of externally-funded research projects, research and teaching statement, exemplary teaching evaluations, transcripts and certificates) by April 22nd, 2014 to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ulm, Prof. Tina Seufert, James-Franck-Ring, 89081 Ulm, Germany (E-Mail: in.dekanat(at)uni-ulm.de). Please indicate the index number 29 in the subject line.
You are kindly requested to additionally fill in our HR questionnaire (available at http://www.uni-ulm.de/in/fakultaet/aktuelles/stellenangebote.html) and submit it in a separate PDF file together with your application.