In the context of the 31st Int'l Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2012), which took place from October 15-18 in Florence, Italy,
Barbara Weber and
Manfred Reichert organized a tutorial on process flexibility. The ER conference series is a leading international forum for presenting and discussing current research and applications for which the major emphasis is on conceptual modeling.
In their tutorial, Barbara and Manfred presented parts of their new Springer book on process flexibility. They emphasized that the real challenge in BPM is not to draw diagrams, but to realize robust information systems that support business processes without jeopardizing flexibility. Barbara and Manfred discussed the challenges that exist for enabling flexibility in process-aware information systems (PAISs), and they gave detailed insights into concepts, methods and technologies for realizing flexible PAISs.
Barbara Weber and Manfred Reichert, Enabling Flexibility in Process-aware Information Systems - Challenges, Methods, Technologies [PDF download], Florence, 15 October 2012