Distinguished Researchers giving Keynotes at EDOC'14

Ulm University

Hosting the Opens external link in new window18th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Objects Computing Conference (EDOC’14) in Ulm, the Opens internal link in current windowInstitute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) is delighted to have won three well renowned researchers for the conference’s keynotes. Managed by Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred Reichert as the General Chair, this year’s main theme of the prestigious EDOC conference is "Utilizing Big Data for the Enterprise of the Future".

Wil van der AalstOpens external link in new windowProf. Dr. Wil van der Aalst (Opens external link in new windowEindhoven University of Technology) will initially introduce the audience to the conference’s main theme through his keynote on Opens external link in new window"Process Mining as the Superglue Between Data Science and Enterprise Computing". As one of the most cited computer scientists in the world, Prof. van der Aalst is recognized as a mastermind in the research field of Business Process Management. In particular, he is well known for long-lasting and profound research in the areas of Petri Nets, Workflow Management and Process Mining.

Heiko LudwigOn Thursday, 4 September 2014, Opens external link in new windowDr. Heiko Ludwig (Opens external link in new windowIBM Almaden Research Center San Jose, USA) will convey important practical insights to the conference participants through his keynote on Opens external link in new window"Managing Big Data Effectively - A Cloud Provider and a Cloud Consumer Perspective“. Dr. Ludwig is heading the Cloud Management Services team in IBM’s Computing-as-a-Service organization. While he has been doing research in the field of Service Management for a long time, he especially focuses on service and storage management at the moment.

Barbara WeberRounding off the conference on Friday, 5 September 2014, Opens external link in new windowProf. Dr. Barbara Weber (Opens external link in new windowUniversity of Innsbruck) will present her keynote Opens external link in new window"Investigating the Process of Process Modeling: Towards an in-depth understanding of how process models are created" to the audience. Leading the Business Process Management Research Cluster in Innsbruck, she has been carrying out long-term research on empirical methods to gain in-depth understanding of how business processes can be effectively supported.

The speakers’ résumés as well as the keynote abstracts may be found on the corresponding Opens external link in new windowEDOC’14 website.