During this year's graduation celebration, our graduate M.Sc. Steffen Musiol was honored with the
eXXcellence Award for his outstanding master degree. In his
master thesis, Steffen developed an advanced architecture for enabling a robust execution of mobile tasks in business processes–a
related conference paper has been published in the proceedings of the CollaboratedCom conference. For writing his thesis, Steffen was supervised and supported by
Rüdiger Pryss and
Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert. Furthermore, during his master studies, DBIS supported Steffen in finding an
internship at SAP Research in Brisbane, Australia. Our DBIS team congratulates Steffen on his excellent work again and, of course, we wish Steffen all the best for his future endeavors.
DBIS Student Wins eXXcellence Award
Ulm University Ulm University