During this year's graduation celebration, our graduate David Langer was honored with the "eXXcellence Award" for his outstanding thesis. In his work, David addressed the usage of mobile technologies and BPM to optimize task management in the context of ward rounds (MEDo, cf. our
For authoring his thesis, David was hosted at our institute and supported by Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert and
Rüdiger Pryss. Our DBIS team congratulates David on his excellent work again and, of course, we wish David all the best for his future endeavours.
Background of David's thesis:
Medical rounds are highly influential in the decision-making process at most wards. In the course of a round, tasks are determined and distributed. But they are not formally organised – instead they are jotted down and thus are prone to errors. Physicians are not notified about new results of tests they have requested. In this work process models for four medical rounds in different wards are presented and analyzed. Based on common features an iPad application, which combines process-supported mobile task management with patient data and information, was developed. User evaluation and usability tests showed that all physicians would introduce such a system on their wards. Findings also showed that they put the input speed on the same level as with that of pen and paper.
A little insight into David's work is provided by a screencast on vimeo and by the following pictures: