DBIS releases DBIScholar: An iPhone App for Performing Citation Analyses

Ulm University

The DBIS Software Lab has just released DBIScholar – a free iPhone App that allows for the retrieval, analysis and comparison of scientific citations. This App was developed by Andreas Robecke, Rüdiger Pryss and Manfred Reichert.

As raw input DBIScholar uses data from Google Scholar. Based on their analysis, a number of citation metrics (e.g., h- and g-index, total number of citations) can be calculated. Query results are available on screen, but can be also stored and used by other Apps (e.g., email).

Selected features of DBIScholar:
- Calculating h-index, g-index, and total number of citations
- Managing query results (e.g., storing, deleting, merging)
- Enabling advanced queries
- Displaying selected publications (including publication details)
- Statistical analysis and charts showing the evolution of the citations of a single paper
- Comparing queries related to the same or to different authors

We believe that DBIScholar and its services will be very useful for authors being interested in tracking the evolution of their citation metrics. Future versions of this community service will also cover other mobile platforms (e.g., Android).

DBIScholar was introduced to the international research community for the first time at the CAiSE’11 conference in London.
More details on DBIScholar and the corresponding App Store link can be found in the following paper:

Robecke, Andreas and Pryss, Rüdiger and Reichert, Manfred (2011) DBIScholar: An iPhone Application for Performing Citation Analyses. In: CAiSE Forum-2011, London, UK, June 22-24, 2011, Proceedings of the CAiSE'11 Forum at the 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Vol-734, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.


Selected Sample Screens of DBIScholar:

(a) Search
(b) Search Result (1)
(c) Search Result (2)

(d) Maintaining Search Results
(e) Comparing Search Results (1)
(f) Comparing Search Results (2)