DBIS offers Focus Projects for Mobile App Development

Ulm University

In response to high demand, the Opens internal link in current windowInstitute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) now offers two new focus projects on developing mobile applications to media informatics students. As of the begining of this winter term several moduls are introduced in the Bachelor as well as Master courses enabling students to learn the methodical and project-based development of mobile applications for today's smart devices.

For DBIS, the introduction of the new academic courses is just a logical step as its team has gained distinguished experiences and expertise considering the development of mobile applications within the scope of projects and theses in recent years. In comparison to other universities in Germany, the introduced modules are even without competetion at the moment.

For Bachelor students in media informatics there are now three modules belonging to the focus project Mobile Business Applications: Mobile Application Lab, Mobile Application Development and Mobile Application Project. Consequently, a Master student picks the module Advanced Mobile Application Engineering for the eponymous focus project. Please consider the following tables for further details and links to the modules' websites.

Important: There is a kick-off event regarding the modules' registration in room O27/545 on October 21st - Bachelor students are supposed to come around on 4pm, Master students on 4:30pm. If you are interested and you have any questions or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact Opens internal link in current windowMarc Schickler.

Mobile Business Applications (Focus project Bachelor)

Person responsible:Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred ReichertAttendance:12 (for the lab)
Lecturer:Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred ReichertRegistration:At DBIS

Yearly, start in winter term


Opens internal link in current windowMobile Application Lab, 4 L, 6 LP, WS
Opens internal link in current windowMobile Application Development, 4 P, 6 LP, SS
Opens internal link in current windowMobile Application Project, 4 P, 12 LP (2 semesters)


Students who have only little or no previous knowledge, first attend the introductory lab course Mobile Application Lab in winter term. In the following summer term they then take part in the project Mobile Application Development.

Students who do have sufficient previous knowledge can alternatively take part in the project Mobile Application Project lasting two semesters. This project is designed to be problem-centered and practical. The created teams stay together for two semesters and the involved students collaboratively work on their project. This module can be started at the beginning of every semester in comparison to the other modules.

Advanced Mobile Application Engineering (Focus project Master)

Person responsible:Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred ReichertAttendance:open
Lecturer:Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred ReichertRegistration:At DBIS

Every semester


Opens internal link in current windowAdvanced Mobile Application Engineering, 4 P, 12 LP (2 semesters)


The focus project contains the module Advanced Mobile Application Engineering which is designed to be problem-centered and practical. Created teams stay together for two semesters and the involved students collaboratively work on their sophisticated project (e.g. Augmented Reality, sensor integration, collaboration software). Thereby, the project's goals, concepts and contents clearly exceed those set in the Bachelor focus project Mobile Business Applications.