How is Business Process Management (BPM) actually applied in practice? How does process implementation work? Which tools exist to support the different phases of the BPM lifecycle and how can they be connected? To clarify these and other practical issues, the Institute of Databases and Information Systems has launched an innovative type of course this semester: the
DBIS Lab. The aim of this event is to provide practical knowledge to Master students regarding the modeling, implementation, and analysis of business processes with diverse state-of-the-art tools.
The students’ task in this course is to model and technically implement a concrete business process from the real world. With this task, students can acquire experience and skills relating to all important phases of the BPM lifecycle. The business process does not only have to be modeled, but must also be implemented and executed with various tools. Furthermore, an analysis and optimization phase has to be conducted. To guarantee that the students can acquire broad knowledge in the field of BPM, DBIS provides a wide spectrum of up-to-date and state-of-the-art tools in the context of its lab. This ranges from tools with simple modeling capabilities like IBM Blueworks, to implementation and execution tools like Intalio BPM or AristaFlow BPM Suite and analysis tools like Celonis Discovery or ProM. That way, the students can add practical skills to their theoretical knowledge acquired in other lectures like Business Process Management, Service-Oriented Computing, and Information Systems.