DBIS joins the IFIP Working Group on Enterprise Interoperability

Ulm University

The chairman of the Technical Committee of the Opens external link in new windowInternational Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) has appointed  Opens internal link in current windowProf. Manfred Reichert as a member of the IFIP Working Group 5.8 on “Enterprise Interoperability". IFIP is the leading multinational organization in Information & Communication Technologies and Sciences, representing IT societies from 56 countries and five continents.

DBIS will contribute to Opens external link in new windowIFIP TC 5, which is a technical committee promoting the research and development of fundamental concepts, models, and theories to support applications of Information Technology. In particular, DBIS joins the Opens external link in new windowIFIP Working Group on Enterprise Interoperability whose members have a strong academic or industrial track record on the enterprise interoperability field.

As benefits from this active membership in the IFIP Working Group 5.8., DBIS expects an extension of its international relationships in the field of enterprise interoperability, the exchange of experiences with experts around the globe, an opportunity to become a focal hub point on enterprise interoperability in Germany, and the acquisition of knowledge in the field.