Since November 2011, the Medical Faculty of the University of Ulm has published its mobile application MedicUlm, which has been developed by staff members of the Institute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS). MedicUlm provides daily news of our Medical Faculty and its graduate school; it can be downloaded from Apple’s AppStore (
Download-Link) and Google’s Play Store (
Download-Link). More information about these two apps can be found here (
Link news).
Considering the growing number of Windows Phone users, DBIS has now developed a Windows Phone version of MedicUlm (Download-Link). An important requirement was to apply the unique UI concepts of the Windows Phone Framework. Like the iOS and Android versions, the App provides students with daily news of the Medical Faculty and its graduate school. Furthermore, users have access to the staff directory of the University of Ulm. The DBIS development team for this App include Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert, Dipl.-Inf. Marc Schickler (Concept and Implementation), and Dipl.-Inf. Rüdiger Pryss.