The Institute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) is pleased to announce that it will continue its long-term research collaboration with the Daimler AG. For the year 2014, DBIS will sign another research contract with Daimler and continue its sustainable research on methods, concepts and tools targeting at the flexible support of automotive engineering processes.
DBIS has been successfully collaborating with the Daimler AG for more than a decade. From this long-term research collaboration, for which DBIS has received a research grant of more than 1 million Euro so far, seven completed PhD projects resulted. In these projects, groundbreaking research was conducted that has resulted in sophisticated frameworks for managing large process models, process model collections, and process structures at both build and run time. Current joint projects between DBIS and Daimler include PROCEED,
In November 2013, Professor Manfred Reichert was invited keynote speaker at the Daimler BPM Day in Stuttgart. In his keynote entitled
"Business Process Management - Quo Vadis?", attended by more than 100 practitioners from the automotive industry, he reported on the scientific results from these joint research projects as well as on their successful transfer to industrial practice.
By continuing its research with the Daimler AG, DBIS further strengthens one of the main research areas of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, i.e. "Automobile".