DBIS attending the 2nd European BPM Round Table in Vaduz

Ulm University

Representing the Opens internal link in current windowInstitute of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Opens internal link in current windowProf. Dr. Manfred Reichert and Opens internal link in current windowNicolas Mundbrod attended the Opens external link in new window2nd European BPM Roundtable in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, on May 15, 2014. Opens external link in new windowProf. Dr. Jan vom Brocke, director of the organizing Opens external link in new windowInstitute of Information Systems, University of Liechtenstein, was very pleased to welcome more than 150 participants from all over Europe. The organizers offered a well-prepared program comprising ten speakers, who gave inspiring insights of conducted research and industrial projects, as well as an intensive panel discussion in the afternoon.

The purpose of the Opens external link in new windowEuropean BPM Round Table is the exchange of expert knowledge - as well as networking - between professionals from business, administration, and academia on a European level. In 2012, Eindhoven University of Technology initially invented and conducted the Opens external link in new window1st European BPM Round Table. In general, the European BPM Round Table initiative now comprises over 20 national BPM round tables to sustainably foster the collaboration between academia and industry.

You can find a nice, summarizing video as well as many images of the well-organized event on Opens external link in new windowa dedicated website of 2nd BPM Round Table.