On July 22nd, 2015 Bernd Michelberger successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled
Process-Oriented Information Logistics: Aligning Process Information with Business Processes
at Ulm University, Germany. The DBIS team is pleased to congratulate Bernd on his successful PhD defense and wishes him all the best for his future. Bernd's PhD co-advisors have been Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert (DBIS) and Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler (University of Applied Science Ravensburg-Weingarten).
The thesis introduces process-oriented information logistics (POIL) as new paradigm for delivering the right process information, in the right format and quality, at the right place and the right point in time, to the right people. In particular, POIL allows for the process-oriented, context-aware (i.e., personalized) delivery of process information to process participants. The goal is to no longer manually hard-wire process information to business processes, but to automatically identify and deliver relevant process information to knowledge workers and decision makers. The core component of POIL is a semantic information network (SIN), which comprises homogeneous information objects (e.g., e-mails, oce les, guidelines), process objects (e.g., tasks, events, roles), and relationships between them. In particular, a SIN allows discovering objects linked with each other in dierent ways, e.g., objects addressing the same topic or needed when performing a particular process task. The SIN not only enables an integrated formal representation of process information and business processes, but also allows determining the relevance of process information for a given work context based on novel techniques and algorithms.
Members of the PhD committee:
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Schöning (Chairman)
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert (Promotor and First Referee)
- Prof. Dr. Franz Schweiggert (Second Referee)
- Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio (Core Committee Member)
- Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm (Core Committee Member)
- Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler (Co-Advisore and External Referee)