DBIS received another research assignment and hence third-party fund from the Daimler AG. The research contract is related to the PROCEED project, which targets the integration of product data in the engineering of electric/electronic components for modern vehicles.
The PROCEED framework has been developed by Julian Tiedeken under the supervision of Prof. Reichert. The framework enables the integration of product data from heterogeneous sources in a common knowledge base. For this purpose, a semi-automated analysis of the complex inter-dependencies between corresponding product data from various sources as well as a sophisticated mapping mechanisms for respective schemes were developed. In the newly contracted research, the business processes required for deploying the PROCEED framework to industrial practice are analyzed and modeled.
Prof. Reichert has been collaborating with the Daimler AG for more than a decade. From this long-term research collaboration, for which he received a research grant of more than 1 million Euro, five completed PhD projects resulted. In these projects, groundbreaking research was conducted resulting in a number of high-quality publications and sophisticated frameworks for managing large process models, process model collections, and process structures.