Colloquium Presentation at the University of Nurnberg-Erlangen

Ulm University

Opens internal link in current windowManfred Reichert was invited colloquium speaker at the Opens external link in new windowTechnical Faculty of the Friedrich-Alexander University Nurnberg-Erlangen. In his presentation he addressed the fundamental challenges that need to be addressed in order to enable a flexible operational support of business processes in process-aware information systems. Furthermore, he presented selected concepts, technologies and tools developed in his research projects and tackling the aforementioned challenges.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert: Initiates file downloadManaging Flexibility and Evolution Challenges in Process-Aware Information Systems: Scenarios, Technologies, Tools; Invited Colloquium Presentation, University of Nurnberg-Erlangen, 26 January 2015


In today's dynamic business world, the success of a company increasingly depends on its ability to react to changes in its environment in a quick and flexible way. Companies have therefore identified process agility as a competitive advantage to address business trends like increasing product and service variability or faster time-to-market as well as to enable a close alignment of business with information technology. Along this trend, process awareness and service orientation have become prevalent paradigms in enterprise computing, and a new generation of process-aware information systems has emerged. Referring to real-world scenarios from various application domains, this lecture will present a review of fundamental flexibility and evolution challenges that exist for process-aware information systems. In particular, it will give insights into concepts, methods and technologies that foster flexibility in all phases of the process lifecycle.

A comprehensive treatment of this topic can be found in the Springer book on Opens external link in new windowEnabling Flexibility in Process-Aware Information Systems, which has been co-authored by Manfred Reichert and his colleague Opens external link in new windowBarbara Weber (University of Innsbruck).