Best Demo Paper Award at the EDOC 2021 Conference

Ulm University

Florian Gallik, Michael Winter, Yusuf Kirikkayis, Rüdiger Pryss, and Manfred Reichert recieved the Best Demo Paper Award at the EDOC 2021 conference for their demo paper entitled:

F. Gallik, M. Winter, Y. Kirikkayis, R. Pryss, M. Reichert: DyVProMo – A Lightweight Web-Based Tool for the Dynamic Visualization of Additional Information in Business Process Models. Demo Paper Track,  IEEE 25th EDOC Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, October 2021.

IEEE EDOC’21 was  the twenty-fifth conference in a series that provides the key forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of enterprise computing. EDOC conferences address the full range of models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to intra- and inter-enterprise software systems. From 2013 to 2020, Manfred Reichert was a member of the EDOC conference steering committee. He was further PC co-chair of the EDOC 2013 conference and General Chair of the EDOC 2014 conference, which took place in Ulm in October 2014.


Best Demo Paper Award