In the context of the post graduate school on "<link en in post-graduate-school-cognitive-computing-in-socio-technical-systems _blank internal link current>Cognitive Computing in Socio-Technical Systems" of Ulm University and the University of Applied Sciences Ulm, <link en in dbis team staff manfred-reichert internal link current>Prof. Manfred Reichert supervises a new project entitled "Control of Distributed Production and Logistics Systems Based on Real-time Analysis of Operational Data".
As a fundamental service of production & logistics systems in the age of Industry 4.0, compartmentalized components are marked with RFID transponders in order to track and trace their way along the supply chain. In turn, this results in large, fine-grained data streams that comprise comprehensive temporal and motion annotations (i.e., big data). The ability to flexibly transform these data into decision-relevant knowledge for controlling, adapting and optimizing production and logistics processes will become a critical success factor for the competitiveness of single enterprises as well as corporate networks. The project aims at developing scalable, real-time data analytics techniques in order to enable a dynamic, context-aware reconfiguration of distributed production & logistics systems.
The post graduate school (Promotionskolleg), which is funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg, aims to develop innovative approaches for cognitive machines and the upcoming era of cognitive computing. Those approaches constitute the methodological and technological foundation for implementing complex infrastructures that enable the creation of new kinds of socio-technical systems in which humans and artificial system collaborate and interact with each other. Respective infrastructures further will enable the implementation of intelligent service robots and companion systems as well as a resource-effective control of logistics and production processes. Finally, they are of high relevance for bringing Industry 4.0 to life. Further details can be found <link en in post-graduate-school-cognitive-computing-in-socio-technical-systems _blank internal link current>here.