Towards Patterns for Defining and Changing Data Collection Instruments in Mobile Healthcare Scenarios

Ulm University

Presentation at the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) 2017;
Rüdiger Pryss, Thessaloniki, Greence, 23 June 2017, 9:00 AM

Especially in healthcare scenarios or clinical trials, a huge amount of data needs to be collected in rather short time. In this context, smart mobile devices can be a powerful instrument to foster data collection scenarios. To enable domain experts to create and maintain mobile data collection applications themselves, the QuestionSys framework uses a model-driven approach to digitize paper-based questionnaires. This digital transformation, in turn, is based on manual as well as automated tasks. The manual tasks applied by the domain experts are called change patterns. They describe features to add or delete the elements of a questionnaire. This work summarizes crucial change patterns and show how they are applied in practice. We believe that these patterns constitute a decisive step to implement sophisticated mobile data collection applications by domain experts themselves.