Knowledge work is becoming the predominant type of work in developed countries. Leveraging their expertise, skills, and experiences, knowledge workers daily deal with demanding situations. Therefore, they widely work autonomously, but usually collaborate in multiple contexts. Further, their work is influenced by dynamic factors like time constraints, costs, and available resources and thereby cannot be pre-specified like routine work. The lack of an appropriate, context and process-aware information system support reduces their productivity and hinders the reuse as well as the continuous improvement of elaborated solutions.
In the course of the 1st International Workshop of Adaptive Case Management,
Nicolas Mundbrod will give a presentation on his paper
“Towards a System Support of Collaborative Knowledge Work“. Thereby, he will structure the theory of collaborative knowledge work and its practical characteristics and dimensions. Moreover, a lifecycle methodology supporting collaborative knowledge workers is introduced by him in order to provide a foundation by what future information system designs can be aligned.
Towards a System Support of Collaborative Knowledge Work
Ulm University Ulm University
Presentation at the 1st Int'l Workshop on Adaptive Case Management;
Nicolas Mundbrod, Tallinn, Estonia, September 3, 2012, 11:30 am