Timeseries analysis in the context of the Internet of Things: Classic solutions vs new approaches for typical problem situations

Ulm University

MA Zwischenvortrag, Clemens von Schwerin, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 09.01.2018, Zeit: 16:00 Uhr

The next step in the evolution of the internet will be the Internet of Things (IoT) involving more and more devices pushing sensory information and communicating with each other. In that lies a huge potential for developing applications beneficial to the society and different forms of industries. However, the IoT introduces some shifts in processing paradigms, data volume and data speed that make it necessary to evolve classical data analysis.

This presentation deals with data analysis in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). A layered model for the IoT is presented and data characteristics as well as data quality aspects and ways for data ingestion are shown. New challenges arising from IoT data analysis compared to classical data analysis are contemplated. Different case studies illustrate how new paradigms and methods can be applied using the KNIME analytics platform. A plan over what is still to come regarding the Master's Thesis is given.