The niPRO project ­ Towards user-adequate intelligent process information portals

Ulm University

DBIS-Kolloquium, Markus Hipp, Bernd Michelberger, Ort: O27/545, Zeit: 9:15 Uhr, Datum: 14. April 2011

An increasing data overload makes it difficult to supply knowledge-workers and decision-makers in today¹s enterprises with the needed information. Moreover, there are new ways of collaboration, e.g., in the context of distributed engineering processes in the automotive industry or patient treatment processes in the clinical sector. Particularly challenging in this context is the provision of needed process information along the execution of processes (and the entire process lifecycle respectively).

In this talk, we present the niPRO project ( which picks up the need to provide process users with needed process information in the right format and granularity, at the right place, and at the right time based on intelligent process information portals. We analyze various quality dimensions of (process) information and discuss the impact of these dimensions on the handling of process information in the work context of users. Additionally, the need for advanced process navigation concepts will be motivated and first ideas on such navigation concept will be presented.