Technical Conception and Implementation of a Configurator Environment for Process-aware Questionnaires Based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform

Ulm University

MA Abschlussvortrag, Juri Schulte , Ort: O27/521, Datum: 14.05.2014, Zeit: 16:00 Uhr

Questionnaires are one of the fastest and easiest methods for inquiring information about a required topic. Especially the more and more advancing online connectivity and mobile accessibility offer additional possibilities, like working collaboratively from different places or store results centrally, to make it an even faster and more comfortable tool for data collection.
Several existing software approaches to create questionnaires - called questionnaire configurators - are available and expensively tailor functionality to the needs of the target group.

In this thesis an approach is presented, which outsources the tasks to functionality provided by a process-aware information system (PAIS). To offer extensibility for upcoming needs, a generic questionnaire model is the basis for an integration of a PAIS into a questionnaire configurator environment. The result is called a process-aware questionnaire configurator and is discussed regarding its architecture and implementation. With an implemented prototype of a process-aware questionnaire configurator an insight is granted into a concrete implementation based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform.