A framework that allows domain experts to create mobile data collection applications by themselves without needing IT expertise is adopted and shortly introduced. Furthermore the framework allows the definition of so-called rules. Rules provide the possibility to analyze the answers of a questionnaire. To increase the efficiency of this framework further, this thesis will create a tool providing the functionality to automatically evaluate these rules with the result of the questionnaire in order to provide real time analysis and feedback. This tool is meant to be integrated into the existing framework and executed on a participant’s mobile device or browser. Since rules may contain malicious code, they have to be executed in some sort of a secured context to provide safe evaluation. After comparing several different approaches, the tool was implemented with the use of the best fitting solution. In order to evaluate rules, necessary information is extracted from the questionnaire result and model and a sandbox with variables and functions build. A single rule then may be evaluated without access to any data outside its own context.
Rule-based Evaluations for Mobile Data Collection Applications
Ulm University Ulm University
BA Abschlussvortrag, Daniel Rollenmiller, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 30.10.2018, Zeit: 11:00 Uhr