Process management technology constitutes a fundamental component of many information systems. In this context, business functions should be quickly adaptable to cope with dynamic business changes. Furthermore, they should enable mobile and quick access to enterprise information. The growing maturity of smart mobile devices has fostered their prevalence in knowledge-intensive areas in the enterprise as well. As a consequence, process management technology needs to be enhanced with mobile task support. However, tasks hitherto performed stationarily, cannot be easily transformed to run on smart mobile devices. This talk gives insights into current DBIS research topics addressing sophisticated mobile task support in the context of contemporary process management technology.
Research Trends in Process-aware Mobile Information Systems
Ulm University Ulm University
Invited Talk at the University of Applied Sciences Kaernten
Manfred Reichert, University of Applied Sciences Kaernten, Klagenfurt, Austria, 29 January 2015, 3:00 PM