Modeling the Resource Perspective of Business Process Compliance Rules with the Extended Compliance Rule Graph

Ulm University

Presentation at the 15th Int'l Working Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support (BPMDS' 2014);
David Knuplesch, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 16, 2014, 2:00pm

Process-aware information systems must ensure compliance of the business processes they implement with global compliance rules related to security constraints, domain-specific guidelines, standards, and laws. Usually, respective compliance rules cover multiple process perspectives; i.e., they not only deal with the control flow perspective that restricts the sequence in which the process activities shall be executed, but also refer to other process perspectives like data, time, and resource.
Although there are various approaches for specifying compliance rules (e.g., based on temporal logic and narrative patterns), only few languages allow for the visual modeling of compliance rules. In turn, existing visual languages focus on the control flow perspective, but treat the other process perspectives as second class citizens.
To remedy this drawback, we present the extended Compliance Rule Graph (eCRG) language for the visual modeling of business process compliance rules, including the resource perspective. The suitability of the eCRG language is evaluated in a case study that was performed by business analysts in the healthcare domain.