In hospitals, ward rounds are crucial for decision-making in the context of patient treatment processes. In the course of a ward round, new tasks are defined and allocated to physicians and nurses. In clinical practice, however, these tasks are not systematically managed. During ward rounds, they are jotted down using pen-and-paper, and their later processing is prone to errors. Furthermore, medical staff must keep track of the processing status of its tasks (e.g., medical orders). To relieve medical staff from such a manual task management, we developed the MEDo approach. MEDo supports ward rounds by transforming the pen-and-paper worksheet to a mobile user interface on a tablet integrating process support, mobile task management, and access to the electronic patient record. Interviews and tests we conducted in this context have confirmed that medical staff craves for mobile task and process support on their wards. Furthermore, in user experiments we have proven that MEDo puts task acquisition on a level comparable to that of pen-andpaper. Overall, with MEDo, physicians can create, monitor and share tasks using a mobile and user-friendly platform. The presentation illustratively shows the results being included in the submitted paper.
Mobile Task Management for Medical Ward Rounds - The MEDo Approach
Ulm University Ulm University
Presentation at the 1st Int'l Workshop on Adaptive Case Management;
Rüdiger Pryss, Tallinn, Estonia, September 3, 2012, 02:30 pm