Large Process Models and Process Model Collections

Ulm University

Tutorial at the 10th Int'l Conference on Business Process Management;
Barbara Weber, Manfred Reichert & Victoria Torres Bosch, Tallinn, Estonia, September 6, 2012, 13:30 am

This tutorial will discuss the challenges that arise both in respect to the handling of large process models (i.e., large process model trees or complex inter-related process structures) as well as to the management of large collections of process models with related process variants. As a motivational backbone, large process models and process model collections from the automotive industry and the healthcare domain will be presented.

The tutorial is given by Barbara Weber, Opens internal link in current windowManfred Reichert & Victoria Torres Bosch. Some information about Barbara and Victoria is provided below:

Barbara Weber

Barbara Weber obtained her Ph.D. in Economics at the Institute of Information Systems. Since 2004, she is researcher at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck where she holds an Associate Professor position. She is a member of the Quality Engineering (QE) research group and head of the research cluster on business processes and workflows at QE. Her research areas include Business Process Management, Process Flexibility, Process Modeling, Integrated Process Lifecycle Support and Process Mining. She has published more than 80 papers and articles. She has co-authored the book “Enabling Flexibility in Process-aware Information Systems”.

Victoria Torres Bosch

Victoria Torres obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in 2008. She is a member of the PROS research center at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia where she holds an Assistant Professor position. Her major research interests are Business Process Variability, Model Driven Engineering and Method Engineering. In the last five years she has participated as consultant in the development of MOSkitt, a free CASE tool to support an adaptation of Métrica III for its use at the Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure, Territory and Environment.