Implementation and evaluation of a mobile Android application for auditory stimulation of chronic tinnitus patients

Ulm University

MA Abschlussvortrag, Jan-Dominik Blome, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 28.10.2015, Zeit: 11:00 Uhr

Tinnitus is a common symptom where the affected person perceives a sound without an external source. To support the development of new therapies a tinnitus tracking platform, including mobile applications, was developed at Ulm University in cooperation with the tinnitus research initiative. In the future, these mobile applications should be extended to include a simple game that requires the user to concentrate on an auditory stimulation, distracting them from their tinnitus. This is accomplished by using localization of an audio source as a game mechanic. The measurement of the offset between the position the user guessed for an audio source and its actual location could also serves as an additional data point. In this thesis an application for the Android operating system is designed that implements such a game and serves as proof of concept. Since the Android API does not include the capability for positional audio, a separate audio API based on OpenAL was created as part of this thesis. This API as well as the framework developed to implement the game are designed to be reusable for future, similar projects. The game concept was also evaluated in a study using the demonstration application.