Today, automotive manufacturers are confronted with a continuously increasing competition and, at the same time, with varying customer demands. This results in ever-shorter production cycles and a wide range of product variants. To handle these challenges, an optimization of automotive development projects and processes becomes necessary. In particular, a project’s underlying engineering and management processes need to be effectively and efficiently enacted and executed. One typical approach in this respect is to derive project-specific processes from available reference processes. Thereby, generic processes are transformed to project-specific processes taking into account a project’s specific requirements, procedures, tools and objectives. We call this transformation process tailoring. This talk motivates the need for research on process tailoring and presents current solutions for this task as well as problems associated with these solutions. At the end of the talk, research questions are outlined which will guide further research on tailoring generic projects and processes to project-specific projects and processes.
Getting from generic processes to project-specific processes
Ulm University Ulm University
PhD Seminar, Andreas Freymann, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 13.02.2015, Zeit: 09:00 Uhr