Design, concept and implementation for an electronic and mobile patient health record of tinnitus affected patients using the iOS platform

Ulm University

MA Abschlussvortrag, Carmen Vazinkhoo, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 05.11.2015, Zeit: 10:00 Uhr

Tinnitus is increasingly affecting individuals who report that they hear a whistilng or other noise without any external sound source. Currently, there is no treatment that completely eliminates tinnitus. However, there are ways to allay this, for example by questionnaires or therapies. On the basis of auditory tests changes can be documented in the perception of tinnitus. Through observation of event triggers and amplifiers, appropriate actions can be taken. For all of these approaches, the TinnitusNavigator app has been developed which supports the patient in dealing with tinnitus and brings the patient closer to a relief of symptoms. Users will find an easy navigation since the iOS-ware Guidelines were considered in the design. Using the Core Data framework of Apple supported the realisation of the model from the Model View Controller pattern. At the end the outcome of this work is a working application.