The content and target of this Thesis, was the design and implementation of a new user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) concept for the Android app of the large-scale application monitoring platform (LAMP) framework. LAMP uses the phone's sensors and notifications to gather user data. An app prototype was already created in a previous work, to proof, that the concept is working, but the app was only equipped with the bare functionality, ignoring many of the user's needs, UX design principles, design conventions and aesthetics. This made the data collection non-transparent and the app unpleasant to use. To convince the users in large-scale studies to share their data, it is necessary that they trust the app and the related framework. A new UI and UX concept was needed, to assure this, therefore a new Android app was designed and implemented. Various methods from UX design, design thinking and agile software development were used to craft the requirements and to design and implement the app, making sure, that the final product fulfilled the users needs. In this Thesis, an introduction is given, to present the motivation, the objective, and the contents. Then the fundamental concepts like LAMP, UI and UX are presented, to create a basis for the conceptualization of the new app. To assure, that the app meets the users expectations, the requirements were engineered, the process and its' results are presented. The design process and the implementation are documented and presented, showcasing the creative and technical aspects of the new app concept. The resulting new app implementation is then compared to the previous implementation, concerning UI, UX and technical aspects. Finally the Thesis is concluded with a summary and an outlook into the future.
Design and Implementation of a UI & UX Concept for an Android Monitoring App
Ulm University Ulm University
BA-Abschlussvortrag, Tom Weisser, Ort: Online, Datum: 06.07.2022, Zeit: 14:30 Uhr