There exists a plethora of different modeling tools for Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0, most of these tools do not combine modeling with textual description. But often textual descriptions of a process are provided, this description has to be analyzed and later implemented as a process model. Especially for beginners this is a difficult task and as they first need to focus on finding the important elements in the text and later create the model with this information. Performing these two tasks in conjunction should ease the process of modeling BPMN for beginners. For this, a web application was developed which combines the modeling and the textual description. During the concept phase psychological aspects were kept in mind to further support the user. It especially should help to lower the cognitive load and keep the motivation of beginners. This approach differs from the development of BPMN models from a textual description with natural language processing (NLP) because the application is still focused on the manual creation of models by the modeler and unlike NLP approaches where models are created automatically. A reason for this approach and not using NLP for the creation of BPMN models is that it will always be important to have good process modelers, who can create models manually and can also analyze these processes, nd weaknesses and improve them.
Design and Implementation of a Framework for the Creation of BPMN 2.0 Process Models based on Textual Descriptions
Ulm University Ulm University
MA Abschlussvortrag, Kai Kretschmann, Ort: Online, Datum: 11.01.2022, Zeit: 15:15 Uhr