For internet based interventions having noticeable impacts on the mental health of patients, the usage of these IBIs is expanding. Following this trend, the Institute of Psychology and Education, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at Ulm University (KLIPS) want to use these for research purposes. Offered tools of other suppliers do not fit for the use of KLIPS as they are lacking needed features and flexibility. They either do not provide the ability to create and use own interventions, are expensive to use or do not provide enough flexibility as needed by KLIPS. Hence, the goal is to create a software system covering the needed requirements to offer the ability to support the institute’s research. To provide even easier access to IBIs for patients, the software system should follow the concept of Internet and Mobile based Interventions (IMI). The outcome expected in terms of user acceptance and results of the treatment are even higher due to the usage of the IMI concept. For this purpose, a plan for a software system was created to provide the support described above. The software system should offer the ability to create and manage IBIs and to guide and observe the patients participating in them. For easier development and handling, the system was planned to be split into four different parts, each of them described more precisely. Each part will be developed separately but all parts will work together to build one big functional software system.
Design and Implementation of a Cross-Platform Application for Internet- and Mobile-Based Interventions
Ulm University Ulm University
BA Abschlussvortrag, Florian Matthias Haschka, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 07.05.2019, Zeit: 11:00 Uhr