Context-Based Prevention and Handling of Exceptions for Human-Centric Mobile Services

Ulm University

Presentation at the 6th IEEE International Conference on AI and Mobile Services; Rüdiger Pryss, Honolulu, USA, 28 June 2017, 8:15 AM

Using smart mobile devices to support humancentric services is a frequent demand in business scenarios. As a particular challenge, tasks performed in a paper-driven way
shall be digitally transformed with the use of mobile devices. With the goal to enable business applications supporting human-centric mobile services in mind, we developed a framework that extends existing process management technology with mobile activities running on smart mobile devices. Note that when considering the frequently changing conditions of mobile environments, the prevention and the proper handling of exceptions (e.g., lost connections) become crucial. The developed framework, therefore, aims to prevent exceptions and to provide a sophisticated exception handling service not supported by existing process management technology so far.