Conception and realization of an iOS-App to support teaching in biochemistry

Ulm University

BA Abschlussvortrag, Nico Brenner, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 24.10.2019, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr

In the course of his life, man has to pursue learning again and again, an often very tedious and boring necessity. The first effort is to motivate oneself to take up this activity. Students of biochemistry at the University of Ulm have to learn a comprehensive questionnaire during their studies. This is usually a somewhat dry job. In everyday life, students have problems answering this number of questions without quickly becoming mentally tired. In order to motivate the students and to make it easier for them to learn, the conception and realisation of a mobile application will be presented. By including elements from games, the students playfully obtain the knowledge from the questions. The work deals with the architecture and the requirements of the application. In addition, an excerpt of the implementation is explained and a visual insight into the final result is given.