Conception and Realization of a Supply Chain Mapping Application

Ulm University

BA Abschlussvortrag, Artur Kochanov, Ort: Online, Datum: 10.11.2021, Zeit: 10:30

Due to the increasingly complex problems within international supply chains, the
need for products and software solutions that can support executives in supply chain
decisions has increased. In theory and practice, experts consider different factors
to perform supply chain risk management within a company. A central goal here
can be the identification and avoidance of supply shortages.
This requires information about the economic situation of cooperating companies,
the usage of rare materials inside the production process and the routes on land
and water of the products. For a comprehensive supply chain analysis, the data of
direct and indirect suppliers are essential.
Unfortunately, the market offers primarily expensive and complex solutions, which
additionally do not consider the possible transportation routes on land and water of
suppliers with different tier levels.
The question arises, what technologies must be used so to solve the described
problem and represent the solution in a visually attractive way. For this purpose,
various literature was collected and analyzed to find suitable methods for a potential
supply chain application. The goal of the work is the conception and realization of
a supply chain application.