Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the school sector experienced an explosively rising demand on a functioning digital education infrastructure. Teachers had to be capable to deal with new technologies in the shortest possible time. And according to different studies and the results of this work, with a lack of technical support. But this situation only clarified that the process of integrating digital education at german schools is behind international standards. Especially within the country, the different factors for proper integration of technology varies significantly. Not only are many schools still behind standards regarding technical school equipment, but also the use of the available technology could be improved in frequency and in terms of effiency and variety of the used digital education methods.
This may be caused by the lack of technical support, as teachers often have to deal themselves with technical errors and therefore might avoid digital education.
This work tried to fix an observed lack of information and communication between provided school equipment and teachers. Therefore, existing difficulties of teachers when dealing with the equipment and possible improvements of this situation were analyzed. In an initial study, about sixty employees of different schools were asked on main causes of lacking integration of media in class from their point of view. Furthermore, they were asked on possible improvements and downsides of existing solutions. Using the results of the study, it was possible to identify three different user types with varying technical know-how and demands on a possible solution. Based on this analysis, a design has been developed that tries to satisfy the three groups by providing a solution that is optimized to satisfy the compromise between complexity and user comfort. It showed that an initial concept using a gamification-based approach wasn’t suitable to enhance the current situation. The outcome of the project is an application that is focused on providing knowledge in advance and easily accessible support during the usage of technical equipment. Furthermore, it supports the exchange between colleagues enhance the integration process of digital education at german schools.
Conception and Realization of a Gamification-based Learning Software to Enhance Technical Knowledge of Teachers with React Native
Ulm University Ulm University
MA Abschlussvortrag, Annalisa Degenhard, Ort: online, Datum: 24.05.2022, Zeit: 15:00 Uhr