This talk will report on a fundamental class of computerized processes called "fluid" processes. In particular, the engineering and use of fluid processes is indistinguishable. Instead, they are continually adapted and reformed to fit the actual needs and constraints of the situation at hand and to fulfill the overall goals of the involved actors in the best possible way. The talk will present a detailed review of the challenges and techniques that exist for the flexible support of fluid processes. It will further give insights into their nature, discuss fundamental challenges, summarize enabling technologies, and refer to advanced applications.
About the presenter
Manfred Reichert holds a PhD in Computer Science and a Diploma in Mathematics. Since January 2008 he has worked as full professor at Ulm University. Before, he was appointed as associate professor at the University of Twente (UT). At UT, he was also leader of the strategic research orientations on E-health and on Applied Science of Services, and member of the Management Board of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). Finally, Manfred worked for three years in a large hospital and for two years in industry. His major research interests include next generation process management technology (e.g., adaptive processes, object-centric processes, configurable processes, and mobile processes), service-oriented architectures (e.g., business IT alignment, service evolution), and e-business (e.g., e-health, automotive engineering). Together with Peter Dadam he pioneered the work on the ADEPT process management system and has been co-founder of the AristaFlow GmbH. He has been participating in numerous research projects in the BPM area (e.g., EU FP7, NWO, DFG, and industry projects) and contributed a multitude of influential papers. Together with Barbara Weber he has co-authored a book on enabling flexibility in process-aware information systems. Manfred's h-index is 40 (according to Google scholar). He was PC Co-chair of the BPM’08 and CoopIS’11 conferences, General Chair of the BPM’09 conference, and keynote speaker of the AIME'11 and CoopIS'12 conferences.
A Decade of Research on "Fluid" Processes: Beyond Rigidity in Business Process Support
Ulm University Ulm University
Invited Talk at the TU Eindhoven;
Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 25, 2012