Tinnitus is the perception of a ringing, buzzing, hissing, or roaring sound in one or both ears. It may be continuous or intermittent (occasional), can be pulsing or steady, and can range in severity from a soft buzz to a loud ring.
There are about 50 million people who are so affected by tinnitus that they are dependent on therapeutic help in Europe. And the people around the world, who are affected by this phenomenon are constantly increasing.
In order to support the individual treatment of tinnitus patients and to be able to store and manage their information, the "tinnitus Database" system was developed. At present, 20 centers from 11 countries participate in the project and this project was developed in 2008 and nearly 6,000 tinnitus patients worldwide were admitted or documented in this system.
In order to ef?ciently treat tinnitus and identify all necessary information, the patient must complete and save various questionnaires that doctors can view and evaluate.
This work deals to develop a patient module for the existing system in a web application form. The questionnaires to be completed by the patient are to be analysed and improved in terms of operation and presentation.
In addition, the process for registering or logging patients is to be optimized in order to avoid unnecessary procedures. For the time being, the issue of usability and "data protection" will be addressed in this respect.
A Conception and Realization of a Patient Module for an International Tinnitus Database
Ulm University Ulm University
MA Abschlussvortrag, Nadim Alfahel, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 28.05.2019, Zeit: 13:30 Uhr